The Brantford Girls CYO Basketball Organization has been awarded the Canadian Tire Corporation’s Jumpstart Charities Sport Relief Fund that has gotten kids back into sports and play this year.

“With their (Jumpstart’s) support, we are able to help offset the rising costs of facilities for our rep basketball program due to the pandemic,” says Tammy Ryan, President of the girls program.  “Unfortunately, we were only able to offer a rep program as there are no facilities to further support the larger House League Program.  We really tried to make it work but with no access to school’s and only a few community gyms, we wanted to ensure we could get some players back on the court.”

Covid has continued to place a huge strain on the ability to offer programming to all of our 350+ plus players.  With limited facilities, the Girls Program was able to offer programming for 130 players ages 7-18.  The awarded grant of $5,000 will directly support each team which will help offset the costs of the increased rental facilities.

It is estimated that the Jumpstart Program has assisted over 1,300 organizations in 2021 reaching over 225,000 children.  Understanding that Covid has taken a toll on the mental and physical well-being of children, programs have never before been in so much need for children.

CYO Girls Basketball Brantford


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